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5 Tips To Get Over A Creative Roadblock

Jacket via F21 / Top & jeans via UO / Shoes via Zara

I must admit, I got caught up in trying to balance my priorities that my focus was divvied up. I couldn't give the attention Polydeux needed and I was stumped. I was hitting a  creative roadblock and didn't understand why I wasn't growing.
But how could you grow if you, yourself is stagnant too?

1.)  Regain Your Focus
Focus is something I talk about often. Figuring out your focus is the centerpiece to any brand, organization, blog, you name it. Even in people. Knowing what you want creates direction and movement.
So think about it: what exactly  is your focus?
What do you want to do with your blog/business? Is this something you're passionate about?
On a smaller scale, every component of your blog requires of focus in and of itself too. For example, your demographic--what is it?--or your 'About Me' page. Think of your focus as your thesis to your brand.
And the answer?  You.
Focus on yourself. Focus on who you are, your personality, your passion, your interests. That's where your answers lie. That's where your platform begins.
Don't focus on what you're not doing and focus on what you are doing and what you need to do.
2.)  Disconnect & Get Inspired
Walk away from your stress. Literally.
Social media is a cloud that pollutes everyone and disconnecting from the virtual realm may provide a better outlook on your current perspective. 
I made it a point to focus on the present and the moments in front of me for a few days rather than thinking about how to document and post my experiences. I took this time to surround myself with the people that make me the happiest and by doing the things that make me feel the greatest.
There's nothing most  instantly gratifying than everything outside of social media.
After a few days' 'rest' I needed inspiration. I looked to  Tumblr for visual refuge and took a day trip or two to a museum or beach. Sometimes things look better past a screen.

3.)  Get rid of old habits
Old habits die hard but sometimes routine behavior is exactly what is holding you back.
Realize what your mistakes and weaknesses are. Figure out what you are doing that's holding you back, whether it's a perspective change or figuring out what you actually want. 
Once you identify the problem, you can find a solution.
For me, I realized I kept looking at other blogger's feeds and comparing theirs to mine. I would try to circle the differences and try to close the gap in my own account. But I learned that their path to success is not mine. 
Therefore, I had to kick the habit. I had to stop focusing on others and focus on myself. Not only did that remove outside pressures that were really only in my head, but I was less stressed about reaching an expectation they set and was more focused on setting my own.
4.)  Brainstorm
Get creative! Think of new ideas you want to pursue and set new short-term goals you want to accomplish. Accomplishing a set of smaller goals will help you reach your long-term goals faster!
Write your ideas, plan them out, and talk to other creatives about their own pursuits.
Get involved in group chats, forums or Facebook groups. 
There are always answers to your questions.
I get restless easily because I have epiphanies brewing constantly and my spontaneous behavior causes me to get distracted easily. During class or  sorority meeting, I would constantly write lists of things to-do for my blog or where I see myself going in the next year and how I'm going to achieve that.

5.)  Take Baby Steps
Take on the easiest and most realistically do-able task possible. If it's increasing your posting times or commenting on other's posts often, it's something that will effectively help your brand.
I  recently started to set myself a goal every week. There are so many things I need to do for Polydeux that I've procrastinated on but by giving myself smaller portions to chew, I've found it much easier to accomplish and the results greater than I had anticipated.

Getting frustrated with yourself and not being where you envisioned yourself to be is inevitable. However, the adversity is what comes with the journey. I hit roadblocks more often than you think but I've learned that hitting refresh makes a huge difference in the way you operate.
Stay focused.

Photography by Justin Quebral